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I’m Pam Coronado
and you’ve definitely come to the right place if you are looking for answers to some of life’s difficult decisions.

I believe
intuition is a powerful and unlimited resource in problem solving to provide answers to a whole host of issues, such as:
Am I on the right track in my career?
Should I buy the house I am considering?
How can I improve my love, family, and work relationships?
How do I develop my own intuition?
I have a missing loved one. Can you help me?

Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.
Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Teaching others to step into their own unlimited potential is an important part of my work.
I love teaching all aspects of intuitive development, the basics, forensics, remote viewing, and mediumship. After all, we are all intuitive beings.

Pam has demonstrated her skills on live
television for several networks, including:
A&E, Biography Channel, and Discovery Channel.

I use my highly-trained psychic ability to assist others in making the best decisions for all manner of life choices, providing answers that inspire and enable people to move forward in their lives. I also help others grow and nurture their own spiritual strengths.
Teaching others to access and use their own intuition is a rewarding aspect of my work.

I work
with both families and law enforcement to provide answers and insight into missing person and puzzling crime cases.
While detectives solve cases, my work has proven valuable on countless investigations.

© 2025 Pam Coronado Intuitive Investigator. All Rights Reserved.
Web development by Two Hours Sleep